
布雷西亚大学的工商管理硕士课程是专门为有经验的人设计的, time-conscious professional with leadership potential and strong quantitative skills. MBA课程的主要目标是使参与者具备在竞争日益激烈的全球工作环境中作为组织领导者有效和道德运作所需的技能和能力. International 学生 can benefit from curriculum practicum training (CPT) upon enrollment. 全日制课程从8月到7月进行,课程每年轮换一次.  Students can attend part-time, extending the program to two years.

In order for a student to graduate from Brescia University with an MBA, 学生 must:

  • 获得30个学时的学分,并在五年的入学期限内完成所有课程要求;
  • Complete all course work with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B); and
  • 在完成至少十五(15)个学分后,在完成二十一(21)个学分之前申请候选人资格.

For additional information, please call 270-686-4353 or email (电子邮件保护).



  1. 在线完成 应用程序.
  2. Official transcripts from all institutions of higher education previously attended; all undergraduate and graduate course work completed outside of the United States must be evaluated by World Education Services (www.韦斯.org).
  3. GPA 2.本科学历5级以上.
  4. 英语为第二语言的学生必须达到托福考试的最低可接受分数:托福纸考550分或托福网考79分.

完整的入学要求可在 大学目录.

布雷西亚大学本科毕业生:  Graduates of Brescia University with a bachelor’s degree are eligible to receive preferential acceptance.  Students who have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50 in their major and have successfully completed courses in Statistics, 经济学, 和金融可以自动进入MBA课程,不需要完成MBA的先决条件模块.  以下条件适用:

  • 学生完成申请;
  • 学生毕业后5年内申请;
  • 这个项目还有空位.


在参加相应的研究生课程之前,必须完成三个先决条件的在线商业课程模块. 这些免费, 自学, 独立学习, online modules are not required to gain acceptance into the MBA program, but they are required before taking certain courses within the program. For example, the Finance module must be completed prior to taking MBA 513 Managerial Finance.

学生可以通过提交大学水平考试计划(CLEP)考试的及格分数来证明大学水平的成绩,以满足某些MBA课程的一些课程先决条件要求. CLEP score reports and/or transcripts must be sent directly to Brescia by the College Board organization. 有关更多信息,请参见 www.美国大学.com.


  • 在线统计模块
  • 在线经济模块
  • 网上理财模块


MBA 学生 are able to complete the program entirely online or take in-person classes on campus. 从2020年秋季开始, 学生可以选择强调金融或管理,以最适合他们的职业和学术目标. 他们也可以决定完成一篇论文或实习,让他们选择在工作或研究和开发他们的激情项目的同时获得学分. 

The MBA degree program does not make the acquisition of theory and knowledge an end in itself. 而不是, learning processes are highly diverse and focus on participant-centered learning designs to enhance the development of long-term career managerial skills and abilities; these designs include lecture/summaries, 同伴和团队学习, 模拟, 管理发展经验和实践, 软件应用程序, 个人和小组报告, 以及多层次的写作作业. 计算机集成应用于整个课程. Clarity of both written and oral communication is a critical component. 课程材料和教师的个人风格决定了教学方法的选择. The comprehensive case method is an important component of the entire degree program, 在哪里学习过程是密集的,在哪里个人学习是通过课堂和小组工作来加强的,使用参与式和互动的方法.


MBA 510:组织行为学 & 人力资源管理

侧重于必要的技能的发展,以分析和有效地处理不同组织中的个人和群体问题. Theories and case analyses provide guidance in decision making. 主题包括动机, 工作满意度, 团体动力学, 人际沟通, 组织文化, 多样性, 招聘, 补偿, 组织学习, 评价, 改变管理.

MBA 511:管理会计

检查企业财务会计一般和会计信息如何通知管理决策. The course reviews basic concepts and accounting practices used in all aspects of management, 包括规划, 实现, 控制, 和评估. Cost analysis for routine decision making is also discussed.

MBA 512:商业的法律环境

An overview of the legal and social factors that affect the firm’s strategy, 生存, 和竞争力. 本课程侧重于直接或间接影响公司的指导方针和约束,并为其处理员工提供基础, 环境中的其他公司, 以及它的利益相关者. 特别注意的是贸易规则, 反托拉斯法, 雇主与雇员之间的关系, 劳动法, 企业的责任, and compliance with regulations governing the operation of business organizations.

MBA 513:管理金融

Focuses on basic financial principles and practices associated with modern corporations, especially as these practices relate to planning and 控制. Current theories and practices related to investment decisions are discussed. 主题包括风险管理分析, 公司财务会计和预算编制, 项目评估, 决策树, 收购和撤资, 为新企业融资.

MBA 514:市场营销管理

Explores the structure and processes of marketing from a managerial perspective, with special emphasis on the manager’s role in marketing decisions. 理论和实践进行检查, with illustrations from case studies in product marketing through various media. 主题包括战略营销, 创造需求, 产品介绍, 针对, 分化, 分割, 供应链管理. Special attention is paid to marketing in a global marketplace.

MBA 515:国际商务

探索国际商业的本质,并提供对跨国企业面临的挑战的见解, 尤其是涉及到政府法规的时候, 文化差异, 历史, 经济因素. 考察的主题包括贸易理论, 国际组织, 外国直接投资, 全球营销, 全球战略, 技术转让, 以及贸易和发展问题.

MBA 516:领导力和商业道德

Focuses on leadership and ethical issues in a diverse workforce. 本课程探讨与动态商业环境中有效管理相关的理论和实践. 主题包括领导理论, 企业社会责任, 以及企业与政府和社会的互动. Contemporary ethical issues and problems are considered via multiple case studies.

MBA 517:管理经济学

详细分析了微观和宏观经济概念如何应用于企业决策,以使企业利润最大化,提高其在国内和全球市场上的竞争能力. 涵盖的主题包括基本的微观经济学概念, 风险分析, 竞争性定价策略, 汇率, 国际贸易, 政府的政策, 技术转让, 劳动力和资本流动, 移民, 以及区域和全球贸易协定.

MBA 518:供应链管理

关注公司间的关系, 讨论快速反应, 即时, 以及在战略联盟和第三方供应商使用背景下的高效消费者响应技术. 涵盖的主题包括供应链系统, 工艺流程设计, 供应链网络设计, 全面质量管理, 需求计划/管理, 库存管理, 销售和运营计划, 运营调度, 即时, 分销管理(i).e. 物流)和供应链整合.

MBA 600:战略管理

A Capstone course taken during the student’s final semester in the program. 这 course is designed to apply knowledge gained from other core courses to issues of planning, 制定, 实施商业战略. 特别注意的是核心能力, 创业, 获得并保持竞争优势, 以及在动态环境中管理变化. Multiple case studies and simulation games are typically utilized as instructional 工具. 前提条件:研究生主任批准.

MBA 520:财务分析和估值

公司财务是金融的一个核心领域,它检查任何类型的公司内部做出的财务决策, 初创公司还是大盘股, 私人或公共, 国内或跨国公司. Each firm is faced with three key financial decisions: the capital budgeting (investment) decision, 资本结构(融资)决策, 以及派息的决定. The first decision deals with identifying the set of investment projects that a firm will pursue. 第二个决策处理的问题是选择一个最优的融资组合来为公司将要追求的项目融资. The third decision is about how much of the firm’s free cash flow will be returned to its shareholders, 以及支付的方式. 这 course primarily covers the following: a) an in-depth-coverage of a set of fundamental techniques, 工具, and methodologies for financial analysis; b) a detailed exploration of the investment decision; c) 财务报表分析; and d) valuation analysis (the final third of the course). Opportunities for practice through case discussions and financial modeling exercises are included. 其他课程主题包括风险和回报, 对公司资本成本的估计, 项目分析(投资决策), 财务报表分析, 贴现现金流, 相对估值, 资本现金流量, 初创企业和私人公司估值.

MBA 530:管理和组织政策与实践

用于分析和解决组织问题. 这门课程追溯了……的历史发展
organizations, reviewing changes in organization, management, and the nature of competition. 改变
是组织的普遍特征吗. As the management of organizations becomes increasingly complex, the ability to analyze and respond to change is a fundamental part of effective management. 这

MBA 615:应用研究

本课程的目的是让学生进行计划, 行为, 并分析原始研究项目的数据. 技能发展包括进行文献检索, 调查问卷的发展, 数据清理和管理, 数据处理和分析, 口译和报告写作将被纳入学生选择的专业领域. The student project will involve proposing a research question, 寻找和分析数据来评估这个问题, 写一份报告.

MBA 620:论文/实习

这 course is designed to enhance practical/professional experience for 学生 completing the MBA. 在整个项目过程中, 学生 will develop a research question and research design (when applicable), 并在应用研究课程中进行分析, based on either on the job experiences or areas of endeavor that they wish to explore. The Thesis/Practicum will help the student to identify and become conversant in the relevant literature, and identify and work with a faculty advisor of their choosing. The course will be run as a workshop and will require significant student participation. 本课程的核心是将学生的研究从应用到正式的展示和研究主题的澄清.